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Billing and Cancellation Policy

All amounts are billed at the beginning of each billing period and will appear on your card or account statement as "www.gokingdomwarriors.com". You also authorize findgodsmatchforyou.com to charge you for any sales or similar taxes that may be imposed on your subscription payments. To change or cancel your subscription at any time, click the "Account" link on the upper-right corner of the website and follow the directions. You can also change or cancel your subscription by contacting our Customer Care team as directed on the website. If you cancel or change your subscription, we require a reasonable amount of time to process the action. If you cancel, you'll enjoy subscription benefits until the end of your then-current subscription commitment; then your subscription benefits will expire. However, you will not be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of the subscription fees paid for the then-current subscription commitment. Please print a copy of this page and the subscription page for your records.

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